But I digress, this is about journaling, we will discuss the tongue in another post. As I was saying, I like to journal. Right now I have three journals going. They all have a purpose. I have my Bible study journal, my creative journal, and my whiner journal.
My Creative Journal (the blue one): This is where I keep ideas for projects, designs for projects, plans for my projects, pictures. I like to keep it handy in case inspiration strikes. If I don't write it down, I will forget about it.
My Whiner Journal (the floral one): This is my private journal where I get everything off my chest. I have found if I don't get the ugly out I get depressed, grumpy, and very hard to live with. I write my feelings here. When I'm having a hard time I journal to process what is going on. I also use it as a sort of prayer journal. I write out my prayers as I pray them. This seems to help me focus on God. These are the journals I destroy after they are full.
Do you journal? What does it look like? Do you use art? Share your techniques and ideas with me, I would love to see them.
I pray you will continue to guide me as go through YOUR word. Help me to understand what You want for me. Father, as I go through this life lead me step by step. I lift up my readers to you. Bless them and protect them.
In Jesus Name,