I was visiting with my mom on the phone this morning and our conversation turned to memorizing scripture and how hard it is, especially as we get older. I told her about a memory system that was taught to me by a missionary lady years ago when I lived in Montana. I have found it invaluable. It makes memorizing easy and you can do it in about 5 minutes a day. It is easy to set up and easy to do. I thought I would share it with you.
First you start with a recipe box. It can be plain or vintage, pretty much whatever you like.
I put a label with Psalm 119:11 on it to remind me of the importance of memorizing scripture.
You will need FOUR divider cards. You will label them like in the picture with New Verse, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. Then either write on the divider or make a label for each divider that contains the following:
New Verse: Monday: Read verse 25 times.
Tuesday: Read verse 20 times.
Wednesday: Read verse 15 times.
Thursday: Read verse 10 times.
Friday: Read verse 5 times.
You read the verse each day the listed amount and then move it to the DAILY section.
1. Say these verses ONCE every day.
2. Add verses to this section until you have 20.
3. Move the first verse to the weekly section.
You will not have any verses in this section until after the first week. This is the beginning of reviewing the verses you memorized in week one NEW VERSES.
1. Divide the number of cards in this section by the number of days you review.
2. Say that many verses ONCE each day. You should get through this section once a week.
3. Continue adding verses until you have 50.
4. Move first verse to next section.
This section will not have any cards in it for a while. You don't move any verses to this section until you have 20 in the previous section.
1. Divide the number of verses in this section by the number of days you review in a month.
2. Say that many verses each day once.
3. It will take a while before you have verses in this section.
4. By the time a verse is moved to the monthly section you will have said it 225 times.
Now as I was taking pictures and getting ready to post about this I decided my box was not cute, the cards were too plain, and the box was, well, just ugly. So, I dressed things up a little.
I covered the divider cards with scrapbooking paper. I used double-sided tape and covered just one side. I then used some colored round tabs to label the dividers.
I then wrote the instructions on the back of the cards.
I like using the colored recipe cards. They make it bright and happy. I don't color code anything, I just like the bright, happy colors.
I then used some more scrapbook paper to cover the box. Again, I attached the paper with double-sided tape.
Then I added my verse to the top.
I hope this encourages you to memorize scripture, if you don't already. Sometimes it seems like we don't have the time and after all we have our Bibles, but having it hidden in our hearts keeps it fresh in our minds for whatever situation we find ourselves in. We might find ourselves in a challenging situation and if we have been memorizing verses we have something that will come into our mind to help us put things into perspective or calm our nerves, to just help us through the difficult time.
I know when I was struggling in my last job with having SAD and working with special needs children and a few other things, verses would continually pop into my head. When I would be so worn down and weary and just want to sit in the corner and cry I would recite Isaiah 40: 30-31, "Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
I am not always faithful at memorizing all the time but the verses I have learned sure come in handy. There have been many, many times where verses just flood my mind and calm my spirit. It is a balm to my soul. It is like God whispering in your ear letting you know He is with you and will help you get through whatever it is you are going through. I LOVE that.
There are also times I will see something that brings God's Word to my mind. One thing is after it rains and the clouds part a little and the sun shines through and there are rays of sunlight shining downward and there is a special glow all around. That always brings to mind 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18- "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." (New American Standard Version)
These are some of my very favorite verses. They are a comfort to me. Can't you just picture Jesus in the clouds waiting for us to rise up to him and meet him in the clouds. Maybe that is why I love rain so much...it is always cloudy when it rains (duh!), and there is always a place when the rain stops and the clouds part that the sun shines through and puts me in mind of the SON. I tell you what, those verses, those words are very comforting and I am thankful they are in my heart and clouds and sunshine bring them to mind.
So I am going to challange you to memorize scripture, whatever way works for you. If you would like to use the model I posted feel free. If you make a scripture memory box and get creative please post a comment and let me know. I would love to hear about what you are doing. I love comments.
I thank You for each reader and ask that You bless them abundantly throughout their day. I don't know who reads this blog but You do and so I ask that whatever is going on in their lives that you will help them through it. Keep them safe and bring joy unspeakable to their souls.
In Jesus Name,