Friday, January 20, 2017

The Valley

Here are some pictures of my lovely Umpqua Valley for a fun Friday.

I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful, fun-filled, family-friendly area. It is a small place, but a lot of adventures can be had here. I love it.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

This is the Day!

This is the day that the LORD has made.  Let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it.  

I love spending time with God.  He is my best friend, my father, my LORD.
I love reading His Word.  My favorite part of the day is when I get up early and the house is quiet, I make a cup of tea and sit with my Bible and have a nice visit with God.  What a way to start the day.

How do you like to start your day?


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Bullet Journal Update

*This post contains links to posts that have affiliate links and corporate sponsors.*

Well, I have been at the bullet journal for a week and a half and I'm still undecided if I will continue with it. I mentioned before I have used planners/journals off and on for a long time. Sometimes it is hard for me to keep it up, I don't know why. I am intrigued by the bullet journal and the adaptations people are making to it. I love the creativity and keeping track of everything in one place. So maybe with a little more time I will really get into this, especially as I add more things to do/jobs to my life.

Here is a look at my journal. It isn't fancy or decorative...yet.

I am just using a simple composition notebook for now. If I really like this I may buy a better journal, but for now this works. I am going to put a Bible verse or inspirational quote on the front to cover the white part.

My index page. I may cover the inside of the cover with some pretty paper and quotes.

My month-at-a-glance or future planning page. I used colored pencils but may change to a fine-tip marker or pen of some sort so it is easier to see.

My first week of dailies or I suppose this could be a weekly. It is broken down by day, but you can see the whole week. I copied this from Boho Berry (I think). I like the days like this and the little weather symbols. I may also add high and low temps if I remember to look them up.

I left one page blank. I don't remember why, but I will probably doodle on it. This page is my doodle practice which if you follow Kari Denker at Stone soup for Five she has a Wednesday practice page of doodles you can download. I love her Bible studies. If you haven't tried one, you should.

This is the tracker for my Bible reading. I like to read through the Bible every year. This year I am following Bible In One Year 2017 on YouVersion. There is a commentary by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Nicky Gumbal is the Vicar of HTB in London and pioneer of Alpha. (taken from the YouVersion introduction to the plan). So far I am enjoying the commentary and then the daily readings. It does of course track what I have read, but this gives me an at-a-glance view.

And, this is a my second week of dailies/weekly.

Well, it isn't fancy or pretty but I did get started and so far I am enjoying it. I hope if you are looking for something this at least inspires you a little bit.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Journaling Inspirations

This post contains links to other blogs that contain affiliate links and corporate sponsors.

I'm trying some new things this year. One is bullet journaling. What is a bullet journal you ask? It is essentially a planner, only more fun.

I have used a planner off and on for years so when I heard about this I decided I needed to check it out. Kari Denker from Stone Soup for Five is who inspired me to get started. She follows Kara from Boho Berry. Here are some videos from Boho Berry:

I think this is going to be a fun way to keep track of my crazy life. It isn't that I'm horribly busy (only on Tuesdays) but there are things I want to accomplish and I lose focus. I'm hoping this will help keep me on track. As with any tool you actually have to use it to get any benefit. I am hoping it will also help me keep track of things I want to blog about. You all have missed a lot of good blogs because I procrastinated and then forgot what God wanted me to write about.

Kari from Stone Soup for Five is my inspiration for Bible study. She does the Doodle and Journal Bible studies. I will post more about this and share some of my studies with you at a later date. I've started Hosea and I would like to add some doodles and deeper digging. 

I mentioned in a previous post about a possible Bible study and I am still thinking on that one so stay tuned.

Anyway, I pray you all have a wonderful, blessing-filled day.


Friday, January 6, 2017


Here is a post from a few years ago when I was reflecting on my life. Sometimes I still wonder and the country/farm life still calls to me. I would still rather be in God's will and where he wants me to be than give in to nostalgia. Plus, I love it here in the Umpqua Valley.


Lately I have been a little reflective or nostalgic or what iffing...Certain times of the year I just do this I guess.

I have been thinking about Montana, big, beautiful Montana.
 From the snow-topped mountains of the West...
To the rolling hills of the prairie...

What would my life be like if we hadn't moved?  Would we have started farming again?  Just run cattle?  Would I be spinning?  Knitting?  Would I still be a transcriptionist?  Would we have tried something wild like  a market garden?  RV park?  Bed and Breakfast?  Would I be blogging?

Those questions will always be questions unanswered, BUT THAT'S OKAY.  We all have what-ifs.  I do know I wouldn't be the person I am today without having left Montana.  I have grown so much, become a much better person, developed a closer relationship to my LORD.

I have met people here who have reached out and embraced me and brought me into their lives and enriched my life.  I have great friends who encourage me to try new things, develop the skills I have, and just be me.

I have no doubt in my mind WHATSOEVER that God brought us here.  He has guided our every step since we have been here in Oregon.  AND as much as I miss living in the country sometimes, I LOVE living here, in town, in my cute little house, with my all my guys.

Yes, I have been reflecting and what-iffing...but it helps to look back at our lives to see where we were and what God has done for us, and look to the future, watching to see what HE has in store for us next, and it will be amazing!

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Thanks for stopping by,

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Restore me to the JOY of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12.

Restoration. What does it mean. This what I found on Google:
1.the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
"the restoration of Andrew's sight"
synonyms: repair, repairing, fixing, mending, refurbishment, reconditioning, rehabilitation, rebuilding, reconstruction, overhaul, redevelopment, renovation; informalrehab
"the restoration of derelict housing"
2.the return of a hereditary monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power.
synonyms: reinstatement, reinstitution, reestablishment, reimposition, return
"the restoration of democracy"

According to it means more that just putting back to original condition. Take a look...

Unlike the regular dictionary meaning of "restoration," which is to return something back to its original condition, the biblical definition of the word has greater connotations that go above and beyond the typical everyday usage. Repeatedly throughout the Bible, God blesses people for their faith and hardships by making up for their losses and giving them more than they previously had before.

So looking back at the past year, year and a half, sometimes I feel like I have given up a lot. For one I have very little alone time, which I (as an introvert) crave, more than crave...need, desperately to stay a somewhat pleasant person. I gave up a job I loved (a little too much). I gave up a warm bedroom in the house to continue having a bedroom in our semi-converted garage with no heat. Other things too, but right now these are the biggies on my mind, especially the bedroom since it has gotten colder than normal this winter.

Anyway, what has been restored, my joy for one. Since I gave up my job I have not had SAD. God has also blessed me with working with children again by my church hiring me as the nursery director. He has restored my creativity. I have started knitting again, crocheting, and sewing. I even managed to take our smallest bedroom (almost too small for a bedroom) and turned it into a sewing room. (Maybe a post on that when it is completely done and cleaned after the pre-Christmas sewing fest that went on in there). And best of all, I may have a cold bedroom but I have a warm, cuddly little grandson to make up for that. 

What a blessing that little boy is. This is my heart.

He is a nut.

Thank You Father for your gifts and blessings and my family. Bless my readers abundantly and grow them in Your Son Jesus every day.
In Jesus Precious Name,


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

Winter in the Umpqua Valley usually consists of a lot of rain and occasionally down in the 20' night. But this year we have this...

We have lived in this area for 15 years and this is only the third time it has snowed this much.  The first time it barely lasted a day. Last time it lasted a few days because it was so cold. This time I think it will stay a while as well since temps are low again. We moved here from Montana so snow is no stranger, but we love the no snow winters. If we want to play in the snow, we are only a couple of hours away from it. This year the baby will get to build a snowman and maybe make a snow angel without a trip up the mountain. 

I hope you are staying warm wherever you are.

Blessing to you and your family.