Thursday, January 5, 2017


Restore me to the JOY of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12.

Restoration. What does it mean. This what I found on Google:
1.the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition.
"the restoration of Andrew's sight"
synonyms: repair, repairing, fixing, mending, refurbishment, reconditioning, rehabilitation, rebuilding, reconstruction, overhaul, redevelopment, renovation; informalrehab
"the restoration of derelict housing"
2.the return of a hereditary monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power.
synonyms: reinstatement, reinstitution, reestablishment, reimposition, return
"the restoration of democracy"

According to it means more that just putting back to original condition. Take a look...

Unlike the regular dictionary meaning of "restoration," which is to return something back to its original condition, the biblical definition of the word has greater connotations that go above and beyond the typical everyday usage. Repeatedly throughout the Bible, God blesses people for their faith and hardships by making up for their losses and giving them more than they previously had before.

So looking back at the past year, year and a half, sometimes I feel like I have given up a lot. For one I have very little alone time, which I (as an introvert) crave, more than crave...need, desperately to stay a somewhat pleasant person. I gave up a job I loved (a little too much). I gave up a warm bedroom in the house to continue having a bedroom in our semi-converted garage with no heat. Other things too, but right now these are the biggies on my mind, especially the bedroom since it has gotten colder than normal this winter.

Anyway, what has been restored, my joy for one. Since I gave up my job I have not had SAD. God has also blessed me with working with children again by my church hiring me as the nursery director. He has restored my creativity. I have started knitting again, crocheting, and sewing. I even managed to take our smallest bedroom (almost too small for a bedroom) and turned it into a sewing room. (Maybe a post on that when it is completely done and cleaned after the pre-Christmas sewing fest that went on in there). And best of all, I may have a cold bedroom but I have a warm, cuddly little grandson to make up for that. 

What a blessing that little boy is. This is my heart.

He is a nut.

Thank You Father for your gifts and blessings and my family. Bless my readers abundantly and grow them in Your Son Jesus every day.
In Jesus Precious Name,


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