Here is a re-post of a post on my old blog, which is no more in cyberland. I let it lapse because, frankly, I ran out of things to say. I became too consumed with my job and that is all I wanted to talk about or do, and my blog wast not a preschool blog. So, I let it go. I loved that blog. I enjoyed sharing on it. But, now a new adventure and maybe I will share some of the old once in a while, like now.
Sometimes I wonder why I started blogging. I mean really, what do I really have to say? I hold a lot back because, truthfully, it isn't usually worth saying out loud much less writing down.
When I think back to when I started this blog, I remember why I started it. I started it to share my tea room and my experiences with it. Since it closed, I have pretty much rambled on about anything.
I suppose I should pick a topic to write about. All the good bloggers do that ya know. I just hate to be pinned down. What if I get tired of knitting, cooking, my dogs, my rabbit, chickens...blah, blah, blah. I doubt I ever will get tired of these things, but ya never know.
I guess I will just keep rambling on and if you see something you like...enjoy.
Thanks for stopping by,
I am enjoying my new blog, even though sometimes it is hard to be so open. Not many people (now they do) get to see this from me. I tend to hold people off at arms length. I don't want them to get too close to see what a mess I really am. Now I'm putting it out there for the world to see. Funny how God works. I guess we need to get the mess cleaned up and what better way to do it than to invite company I right?
I hope you enjoy this new venture as much as I am. If you read something you like leave a comment. Comments are good. If you disagree with something I wrote, leave a comment, but please be nice. We can discuss it and perhaps agree to disagree.
Thank You for this new venture and guiding me with each and every post. Please give me the words to say and always let it glorify You.
In Jesus Name,