It is so easy to let sin into our lives. Sometimes not intentionally, sometimes very intentionally. Letting even what we would consider a little sin in is never a good idea. We tell ourselves, "just this once", or "it won't hurt anyone. But, each time we give in it gets easier to do it again and again and again and sin starts to take root in our lives, a little like moss does on our roof.
When we let one little sin to take root in our lives and then water it by not confessing or repeating the sin, then it will grow and spread. Just like moss. Just one little piece from who knows where, a little rain, and viola, a moss covered fence, wall, path, you name it. Now moss in general is not harmful, but when it gets on a roof it can break up your shingles, it holds water and pushes your shingles apart, then your roof starts to leak. Just like when we let sin take root. It might start out little, but each time we push the boundaries. Soon, we are doing things that are destroying our lives and our families. We need to stop feeding our sins, repent, and let God dry them up. 1 John 1:9 tells us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
When we let one little sin to take root in our lives and then water it by not confessing or repeating the sin, then it will grow and spread. Just like moss. Just one little piece from who knows where, a little rain, and viola, a moss covered fence, wall, path, you name it. Now moss in general is not harmful, but when it gets on a roof it can break up your shingles, it holds water and pushes your shingles apart, then your roof starts to leak. Just like when we let sin take root. It might start out little, but each time we push the boundaries. Soon, we are doing things that are destroying our lives and our families. We need to stop feeding our sins, repent, and let God dry them up. 1 John 1:9 tells us, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and putting what we want before what God wants for us. If we put Him first, He will be faithful to heal our relationships and lift us out of the sin.
Forgive me for the thoughts I have that are not glorifying to you, forgive my ugly actions. Help me Father to become more like Your son Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name,